首页> 外文会议>Society for Technical Communication(STC)'s Annual Conference; 20050508-11; Seattle,WA(US) >Same Methods, Different Disciplines: The Historian and Linguist as Technical Communicators

Same Methods, Different Disciplines: The Historian and Linguist as Technical Communicators


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Can a liberal arts degree be parlayed into a career in technical communication? The presenters explain how they did precisely that, applying the overarching principle: "Same method, different discipline." This paper provides examples of how a history major (lead author Maureen Hogg) and an English major (co-author Dan Voss) drew upon the skills they honed as undergraduates in their respective majors to advance their careers as technical communicators at Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation in Boulder, CO, and Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control in Orlando, FL, respectively. In Part 1, Hogg takes several principles of historiography and shows how she applied them in developing a series of information products on Ball Aerospace's landmark Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) program. In Part 2, Voss shows how principles of rhetorical analysis he learned in a course on linguistics became the linchpin in a year-long integrated strategic communication campaign that helped Lockheed Martin land a major contract to build the next-generation air-to-ground missile system for the U.S. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps.
机译:可以将文科学位作为技术交流的职业吗?演示者使用总体原则解释了他们是如何做到这一点的:“相同的方法,不同的学科”。本文提供了一些示例,说明历史专业(第一作者Maureen Hogg)和英语专业(合著者Dan Voss)如何利用他们在各自专业中作为本科生所磨练的技能来发展自己在Ball Aerospace&Technologies担任技术交流员的职业分别位于科罗拉多州博尔德市的公司,佛罗里达州奥兰多市的洛克希德·马丁导弹公司和消防局。在第1部分中,霍格介绍了史学的几个原理,并展示了她如何将其应用到Ball Aerospace具有里程碑意义的红外天文卫星(IRAS)程序的一系列信息产品开发中。在第二部分中,沃斯展示了他在语言学课程中学到的修辞分析原理如何成为长达一年的综合战略交流活动的关键,该活动帮助洛克希德·马丁公司获得了建造下一代空对地导弹的重要合同美国陆军,海军和海军陆战队的系统。



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