首页> 外文会议>The Seventh China-Japan joint symposium on enzyme engineering >Application of an enzymatic reduction system to ethyl (S)-4-chloro-3-hydroxybutyrate production

Application of an enzymatic reduction system to ethyl (S)-4-chloro-3-hydroxybutyrate production


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Optically active ethyl 4-chloro-3-hydroxybutyrate (CHBE) is an useful chiral building block applicable to the synthesis of Pharmaceuticals. Shimizu et. al established practical production method for (R)-CHBE (100 g/l) through enzymatic asymmetric reduction of ethyl 4-chloro-3-oxobutanoate (COBE) by the combination of an enzyme from Sporobolomyces salmonicolor and a coenzyme-regeneration system. (S)-CHBE as well as (R)-CHBE is a versatile chiral synthon for drug synthesis. There have been no reports that such high concentration of (S) -CHBE can be obtained by means of enzymatic COBE reduction. In this report, we describe the similar method for (S)-CHBE production by use of an (S) -specific carbonyl reductase from Candida magnoliae.
机译:光学活性的4-氯-3-羟基丁酸乙酯(CHBE)是适用于药物合成的有用的手性结构单元。清水等Al等人建立了一种实用的生产(R)-CHBE(100 g / l)的方法,该方法是通过结合使用鲑鱼孢菌的酶和辅酶再生系统,将4-氯-3-氧代丁酸乙酯(COBE)酶促不对称还原。 (S)-CHBE和(R)-CHBE是用于药物合成的通用手性合成子。尚无报道可通过酶促COBE还原获得如此高浓度的(S)-CHBE。在本报告中,我们描述了使用来自木兰假丝酵母的(S)特异性羰基还原酶生产(S)-CHBE的类似方法。



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