首页> 外文会议>The Seventh China-Japan joint symposium on enzyme engineering >Generation of a novel selenium-containing scFv abzyme with antioxidant effect

Generation of a novel selenium-containing scFv abzyme with antioxidant effect


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Glutathione peroxidase (EC, GPX) is one of the most important antioxidant enzymes in organism, which distributes extensively in cell, blood and tissue. GPX prevents the organism from the damage of free radicals by scavenging hydroperoxide and lipid hydroperoxide, and maintains the normal physiological functions of the cell and tissues. It is in close relationship with many diseases, but for the disadvantages of native GPX, e.g. limited availability, it is hard to be. used extensively. So many artificial mimics of GPX have been made. A novel Se-ScFv abzyme was generated and its antioxidant effect was studied in this paper. UV radiation of sunlight has been associated with an increased incidence of skin cancer. UVB can induce cellular injury such as DNA damage, lipid peroxidation and apoptosis. So in the present study UVB was used to generate lipid peroxidation. and the MDA content, LDH content in culture medium, MTT reducation content and DNA fragmentation were used to observe the damage from UVB and protection of Se-2F3-ScFv to epidermal cells against UVB.
机译:谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(EC,GPX)是生物体内最重要的抗氧化酶之一,广泛分布于细胞,血液和组织中。 GPX通过清除氢过氧化物和脂质氢过氧化物来防止生物体破坏自由基,并维持细胞和组织的正常生理功能。它与许多疾病都有密切的关系,但是由于天然GPX的缺点,例如可用性有限,很难做到。广泛使用。 GPX的许多人造模拟物已经制成。产生了一种新型的Se-ScFv抗体,并研究了其抗氧化作用。太阳光的紫外线辐射与皮肤癌的发病率增加有关。 UVB可以诱导细胞损伤,例如DNA损伤,脂质过氧化和细胞凋亡。因此,在本研究中,UVB用于产生脂质过氧化。用MDA含量,培养基中LDH含量,MTT还原含量和DNA片段化方法观察UVB的损伤以及Se-2F3-ScFv对表皮细胞UVB的保护作用。



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