首页> 外文会议>Second international conference on sustainable agriculture for food, energy and industry >Influence of Plant Density and Fertilisation on the Growth and Biomass Productivity of Miscanthus Sinensis × Giganteus under Central Greek Conditions

Influence of Plant Density and Fertilisation on the Growth and Biomass Productivity of Miscanthus Sinensis × Giganteus under Central Greek Conditions

机译:中希腊条件下植物密度和施肥对中华芒(Miscanthus Sinensis×Giganteus)生长和生物量生产力的影响

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The effects of three plant densities (6,700, 10,000 and 20,000 plants per hectare) and twornnitrogen rates (60 and 120 kg N per hectare) on growth and biomass productivity of Miscanthusrnsinensis x giganteus were studied in a field experiment carried out in a clay soil in the vicinity ofrnVolos (Velestino), central Greece.rnGrowth analysis was carried out in the first (year of establishment) and third years of growth,rnwhen the crop was harvested periodically during the growing period. Each time, plant height, tillerrnnumber, LAI, fresh and dry weight per plant component was measured. It was found thatrnfertilisation within the studied rates did not affect growth and biomass productivity of the crop, andrnno interaction between fertilization and plant density was observed in any of the samplings. On thernopposite, a strong influence of plant density was found in the studied range. In the third year, therndensely populated crop performed remarkable growth rates of about 450 kg/ha for most of therngrowing period reaching a final yield in excess of 45 t/ha by the end of September. Significantlyrnlower were the yields obtained under populations 10,000 and 6,700 plants per ha, i.e. 29 and 20 t/ha,rnrespectively. Plant height varied among the different plant densities, reaching a maximum value ofrn425 cm. The leaf area index varied also considerably among the different plant density treatmentsrnfollowing the variation in plant height. With such a high yielding potential, particularly with itsrnmodest fertilisation needs, miscanthus can be considered as a very promising crop for biomassrnproduction in Greece in near future.
机译:田间试验研究了三种植物密度(每公顷6,700,10,000和20,000株植物)和两种施氮量(每公顷60和120千克N)对芒草(Miscanthusrnsinensis x giganteus)生长和生物生产力的影响。在生长的第一年(建立的年份)和第三年进行了生长分析,这是在生长期间定期收获农作物的情况。每次测量植物高度,分er数,LAI,每株植物的鲜重和干重。发现在研究的速率内施肥不会影响作物的生长和生物量生产力,并且在任何采样中均未观察到施肥与植物密度之间的相互作用。在研究区范围内,对正相反的植物密度有很强的影响。在第三年,人口稠密的农作物在大部分生长期都表现出惊人的增长率,约为450公斤/公顷,到9月底,最终产量超过45吨/公顷。在人口10,000和6,700的植物下,每公顷的产量显着降低,即分别为29和20 t / ha。株高在不同的植物密度之间变化,达到最大值rn425 cm。随着植物高度的变化,不同植物密度处理的叶片面积指数也变化很大。凭借如此高的单产潜力,特别是在施肥需求不高的情况下,可认为在不久的将来,芒as可被视为非常有前途的作物生产生物量的作物。



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