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Linguistic and Semantic Representation of the Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature


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We present on-going work on the linguistic and semantic processing of the labels of the Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, which has been proposed by Stith Thompson for the classification of narrative elements in folk-literature. We automatically extracted the labels of an on-line version of the Index, and wrote specialised grammars for providing for a multi-layer linguistic annotation of them. We are currently working on enriching the linguistically annotated labels with semantic classes and relations, allowing for a better access to the content of the Index. With this resource, we expect to be able to semi-automatically annotate digitised literary works at the sub-document level by means of automatically comparing the annotated Index with the results of text processing tools applied to those works, and so contribute to a better inter-textual interlinking and understanding of related works in the folkliterature, offering a new way of semantically accessing digital libraries.
机译:我们目前正在进行的有关汤普森的民间文学主题索引的标签的语言和语义处理的工作,这是史蒂斯·汤普森(Stith Thompson)提出的用于民间文学叙事元素的分类。我们自动提取了索引的在线版本的标签,并编写了专门的语法来为其提供多层语言注释。我们目前正在努力通过语义类和关系来丰富带有语言注释的标签,以便更好地访问索引的内容。借助这一资源,我们希望能够通过自动将带注释的索引与应用于这些作品的文本处理工具的结果进行比较,从而在子文档级别对数字化的文学作品进行半自动注释,从而为更好地实现文本链接和对民间文学中相关作品的理解,提供了一种语义访问数字图书馆的新方法。



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