首页> 外文会议>Recrystallization and grain growth IV. >The effect of cold rolling reduction on shear band and texture formation in Fe-3Si alloy

The effect of cold rolling reduction on shear band and texture formation in Fe-3Si alloy


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The effect of cold rolling reduction on shear band formation and crystal orientation within shear bands and annealing texture were investigated in Fe-3%Si {111}<112> single crystals. Several types of shear bands were observed with different angles to rolling direction, dependent on rolling reduction. As for shear band formation, those with smaller angles were formed earlier and those with larger angles were formed later. Regarding crystal orientation along shear bands after rolling reduction, orientation distribution from the initial became large in accordance with reduction and even exceeded Goss orientation when rolling reduction became larger than 40%. After annealing, however, recrystallized grains along shear bands were mainly Goss grains regardless of reduction. The speculated reason for the dominance of Goss after annealing is that Goss subgrains with less density of dislocations were surrounded by largely deformed areas.
机译:研究了Fe-3%Si {111} <112>单晶中冷轧压下率对剪切带形成,剪切带内晶体取向和退火织构的影响。观察到几种类型的剪切带,它们与轧制方向的角度不同,这取决于轧制率。至于剪切带的形成,先形成较小的角度,再形成较大的角度。关于轧制压下后沿剪切带的晶体取向,轧制压下率大于40%时,从开始时的取向分布随着还原而变大,甚至超过戈斯取向。然而,退火后,沿着剪切带的再结晶晶粒主要是高斯晶粒,而不管还原性如何。推测退火后高斯占优势的原因是,位错密度较小的高斯亚晶粒被大量变形的区域包围。



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