
Interaction of High Speed Train and Railway Structure including Post-Derailment


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A computational method to solve for the dynamic interaction between a high-speedrntrain and the railway structure including post-derailment during an earthquake isrngiven. The motion of the train is expressed in multibody dynamics. Simple andrnefficient mechanical models to express contact-impact behaviors between wheel andrnrail in the pre-derailment and between wheel and the track structure in the postderailmentrnduring an earthquake are given. Long track components such as rail andrnladder track (longitudinal sleeper) are modeled with rail and track elements, wherernin-plane motions of the cross section of track components are expressed inrnmultibody dynamics and out-of-plane motions of the cross section are expressed byrnFEM to solve combined dynamic behaviors between the train and railway structurernduring an earthquake effectively. The motion of a railway structure is modelled withrnvarious finite elements and also with rail and track elements. A modal reduction hasrnbeen made to solve the large-scale nonlinear equations of motion of the train andrnrailway structure effectively.rnBased on the present method a computer program has been developed for thernsimulation of a high-speed train on the railway structure including post-derailmentrnbehaviour during an earthquake. Numerical examples are demonstrated.



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