首页> 外文会议>The proceedings of the fifteenth (2005) international offshore and polar engineering conference (ISOPE-2005 Seoul) >A Case Investigation of Liquefaction Features in A Coastal Industrial Parkby Using Ground Penetrating Radar

A Case Investigation of Liquefaction Features in A Coastal Industrial Parkby Using Ground Penetrating Radar


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Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys were performed at a soilrnliquefaction site in the Lukang West 2nd District of the Chang-HwarnCoastal Industrial Park, one week after the Chi-Chi earthquakern(ML=7.3). The aim of surveys was trying to identify the phenomenon ofrnliquefaction. The result shows that sand boiling produced arncharacteristic radar signature. Its shape likes a funnel with disorderedrnand stronger reflection in the 2D radar profile. The 3D GPR image wasrnalso established by combining several 2D radar profiles. The slices ofrn3D image are useful for understanding the nature of subsurfacernstructures over the investigation area at different depths. According tornthe radar images, one can identify the location and extent ofrnearthquake-induced liquefaction.
机译:在Chi-Chi地震(ML = 7.3)一周后,在Chang-HwarnCoastal工业园区的鹿港西二区的土壤液化现场进行了探地雷达(GPR)测量。调查的目的是试图确定液化现象。结果表明,砂沸腾产生了雷达特征信号。它的形状像一个漏斗,在2D雷达剖面中具有无序反射和较强的反射。还通过组合多个2D雷达轮廓来建立3D GPR图像。 3D图像切片可用于了解不同深度研究区域上的地下结构的性质。根据雷达图像,可以识别地震引起的液化的位置和程度。



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