
Trapping of Light in Fibre Bragg Gratings


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It is well known that the speed of light, c, is the absolute top speed in the universe at 3 x 10~8 m/s in vacuum. We further know that light can be slowed down to a modest extent in refractive and transparent media, for example water and glass, to velocities typically a factor of 1.5 to 2.0 times slower than c. But there is a limit to how much light can be slowed in normal optical materials, because the larger refractive index associated with slower propagation is inevitably accompanied by increased light absorption. Under special circumstances, however, this limit can be overcome. The first experiment in drastically reducing the speed of light was reported by a group of researchers from Harvard University and Stanford University led by Lene Hau. They load a magneto-optical trap with sodium atoms, and the gas is cooled briefly with a laser to reach temperatures of 50μK. With the lasers switched off, only atoms in the ground state with magnetic dipoles directed opposite to the magnetic field are confined by the magnetic trap. They then evaporatively cool the atoms in this trap to reach temperatures in the region of the Bose-Einstein condensation threshold T_c = 435nK. In these ultra-cold atoms, extremely narrow transparency dips due to quantum interference can be induced using very low powers of the 'coupling' laser beam. Accompanying this low absorption will be a very steep variation in the refractive index according to the Kramer-Kronig's rule. This steep slope and the high sample density in the trapped cloud of atoms lead to ultra-slow light propagation. The light speed they thus obtained is 20 millionth of the free space speed. Several authors wrote articles to explain this phenomenon.
机译:众所周知,光速c是真空中3 x 10〜8 m / s时宇宙中的绝对最高速度。我们进一步知道,在折射和透明介质(例如水和玻璃)中,光的速度可以适度地减慢到通常比c慢1.5到2.0倍的速度。但是在普通的光学材料中可以减慢多少光是有限制的,因为与较慢的传播相关的较大的折射率不可避免地伴随着光吸收的增加。但是,在特殊情况下,可以克服此限制。由Lene Hau领导的哈佛大学和斯坦福大学的一组研究人员报道了第一个大幅度降低光速的实验。他们将钠原子装载到磁光阱中,然后用激光短暂冷却气体,使温度达到50μK。在关闭激光的情况下,只有处于基态且原子与磁场方向相反的磁偶极子的原子才被磁阱限制。然后,它们蒸发蒸发该陷阱中的原子,以达到Bose-Einstein凝聚阈值T_c = 435nK范围内的温度。在这些超冷原子中,可以通过使用非常低的“耦合”激光束功率来诱导由于量子干扰而导致的极窄的透明度下降。根据克雷默-克罗尼格定律,伴随着这种低吸收率,折射率将发生非常陡峭的变化。陡峭的斜率和被困原子云中的高样品密度导致超慢的光传播。由此获得的光速是自由空间速度的20百万分之一。一些作者写了文章来解释这种现象。



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