首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 8th international conference on computer supported cooperative work in design >Concurrent storage structure conversion: from B+ tree tolinear hash file

Concurrent storage structure conversion: from B+ tree tolinear hash file

机译:并发存储结构转换:从 B +树到线性哈希文件

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Shows that the efficient reorganization of a B+ tree fileninto a linear hash file can be done concurrently with user transactionnprocessing. This conversion is motivated by a change in databasenprocessing, in which efficient sequential and direct access werenoriginally needed, but now only efficient direct access is needed. Thisnis quite reasonable for a database system which accommodates new andnchanging applications. Several existing database systems, e.g. INGRES,nIMS and IDMS allow this type of reorganization, but the reorganizationnis performed offline. The author devises an algorithm which performs thenconversion and presents an analytic model of the conversion process. Thenauthor uses a typical database simulation model to evaluate thenreorganization scheme. The results from the analytic model are within 3%n(on the average) of the observed simulation results
机译:表明可以将 B +树filen有效地重组为线性哈希文件,并且可以与用户transactionnprocessing同时进行。这种转换是由于数据库处理的变化而引起的,其中原本不需要有效的顺序和直接访问,但是现在只需要有效的直接访问。这对于容纳新的和不断变化的应用程序的数据库系统来说是非常合理的。几种现有的数据库系统,例如INGRES,nIMS和IDMS允许这种类型的重组,但是重组是离线执行的。作者设计了一种执行然后转换的算法,并提出了转换过程的解析模型。然后作者使用典型的数据库仿真模型来评估重组方案。分析模型的结果在观察到的模拟结果的平均值的3%n以内



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