首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of 3rd international symposium on jet propulsion and power engineering. >The Optimal Aerodynamic Design for Turbine Transition Section

The Optimal Aerodynamic Design for Turbine Transition Section


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the CFD numerical simulation method was applied to optimize the aero-performance of medium-power gas turbine transition section. According to the design requirements, based on the original flow path of turbine transition section and the strut, the guide vane was newly designed and then, artificial optimization was carried out to the transition section passage; finally, automatic optimization was conducted by the Design3D module of NUMECA. software. Compared with the numerical simulation results, the total pressure recovery coefficient of the optimal design is 0.9892 with 0.45% increment which satisfied the design requirements. The turbine transition section undertakes the matching of the flow field of the high pressure turbine outlet and the power turbine inlet. The flow controlling can be realized by adjusting the flow passage curvature and the divergent style of through flow area. On the premise of insuring no separated flow in the transition section, the static pressure distribution is equal and even in the radial direction, and it is in clear echelon along the axial direction, the minimal total pressure loss is pursued.



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