首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of 2011 international symposium - female survival and development >Research on Psychological Androgyny and Its Educational Strategies in Female Education

Research on Psychological Androgyny and Its Educational Strategies in Female Education


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The development of the society proposes new requirements for the gender role of the female i.e. the formation of psychological androgyny. The psychological research shows that an individual with psychological androgyny has more favorable psychological quality, and has more flexibility and stronger adaptability on social role to playing with psychological health level obviously higher than other gender role stereotype. The females in our country are constrained by the feudal thought "man is superior to woman" for a long time, which have to some extent lost the excellent psychological qualities of the male and tend to be psychologically lopsided, and it therefore should cultivate the ideal psychological mode of androgyny in female education. In order to fully understand and develop advantages of psychological androgyny of the female in female education, the article adopts literature study methods, survey research methods and other methods to systematically study the importance of psychological androgyny in female education, the factors of the psychological androgyny and its education strategy. The conclusions are: psychological androgyny imposes impact on traditional social sense of humanism. Influencing factors of psychological androgyny of the female include innate heredity orientation as the biological basis for formation, and social factor is main reason for increase of psychological androgyny trend. Meanwhile, based on its influencing factors, androgyny education is proposed with a well-defined objective in mind to improve the psychological quality of the female and make for the development of female potentials.



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