首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology >CHEMICAL LOOPING-A TRANSFORMATIONAL TECHNOLOGY FOR FOSSIL FUEL UTILIZATION



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Chemical looping is a clean-coal technology which utilizes a solid oxygen carrier to provide oxygen to a fossil fuel conversion (combustion or gasification) process.This breakthrough fuel conversion technology does not require a capital-intensive cryogenic air separation unit and is "transformational" in terms of its overall efficiency and cost.Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) for steam power is the lowest potential cost (cost-of-electricity) technical approach that Alstom has identified to date for coal power with carbon capture.Chemical looping concept was originally proposed in early 1950s by Lewis and Gilliland (1954) as a method of producing pure CO2 stream for industrial purposes.The renewed interest in the development of chemical looping technology over the last decades is motivated mainly by the need to maintain utilization of fossil fuel (coal and natural gas), an abundant energy source, in electricity production while meeting the growing power generation demands in a cost-effective, environmentally sustainable way.The chemical looping concept is flexible, and can be developed further for other high value-added products.By changing the amount of solid oxygen carriers relative to the fuel in a fuel reactor, for example, high quality syngas can be produced as feedstock for petrochemical/refinery industry.By further processing the syngas, high purity H2 can be produced, which then can be used for ammonia synthesis, petroleum refining, fuel cells or other applications.In this paper, chemical looping development is reviewed in detail with its main focus on power generation from solid fuels.The current developmental status is discussed.This includes Alstom's recent achievement in self-sustained operation of limestone-based CLC process at Alstom's 3-MWth pilot scale test facility in Windsor, CT, USA.This is the first such achievement for chemical looping process in the world.
机译:化学循环是一种清洁煤技术,利用固体氧气载体为化石燃料转化(燃烧或气化)过程提供氧气。这种突破性的燃料转化技术不需要资本密集型的​​低温空气分离装置,并且是“转化性”的就整体效率和成本而言。蒸汽动力化学循环燃烧(CLC)是迄今为止阿尔斯通已经确定的具有碳捕集能力的煤动力的最低潜在成本(电成本)技术方法。化学循环概念最初是Lewis and Gilliland(1954)在1950年代初提出了一种用于工业目的生产纯CO2物流的方法。近几十年来,对化学循环技术发展的新兴趣主要是由于需要保持对化石燃料的利用(煤炭和天然气),这是一种丰富的能源,可用于电力生产,同时以成本效益满足不断增长的发电需求一种有效的,环境可持续的方式。化学循环的概念是灵活的,可以进一步发展用于其他高附加值的产品。例如,通过改变燃料反应堆中相对于燃料的固体氧载体的量,例如,高质量的合成气可以用作石化/炼油工业的原料。通过进一步处理合成气,可以生产高纯度的H2,然后将其用于氨合成,石油精制,燃料电池或其他应用。详细讨论了目前的发展状况,包括阿尔斯通在阿尔斯通位于康涅狄格州温莎市的3兆瓦时中试规模测试设施中基于石灰石的CLC工艺自持式运行的最新成果,美国。这是世界上化学环化工艺的首项此类成就。



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