首页> 外文会议>Photonics and imaging in agriculture engineering >DEM generated from InSAR in mountainous terrain and its accuracy analysis

DEM generated from InSAR in mountainous terrain and its accuracy analysis


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Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derived from survey data is accurate but it is very expensive and time-consuming. In recent years, remote sensing techniques including Synthetic Apenture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) had been developed as a powerful method to derive high precision DEM, especially in mountainous or deep forest areas. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the principle of InSAR and show the result of a case study in Gejiu city, Yunnan province, China. The accuracy of DEM derived from InSAR (abbreviation as InSAR-DEM) is also evaluated by comparing it with DEM generated from topographic map at the scale of 1:50000 (abbreviation as TOP-DEM). The result shows that: (l)The general precision of the whole selected area acquired by subtracting InSAR-DEM from TOP-DEM is that the maximum, the minimum, the RMSE, and the mean of difference of the two DEMs are 203m, -188m, 26.9m and 5.7m respectively. (2)The topographic trend represented by the two DEMs is coincident, even though TOP-DEM is finer than InSAR-DEM, especial at the valley. (3) Contour maps with the interval of 100m and 50m converted from InSAR-DEM and TOP-DEM respectively show accordant relief trend. Contour from TOP-DEM is smoother than that of from InSAR-DEM, while Contour from InSAR-DEM has more islands than that of from TOP-DEM.(4) Coherence has great influence on the precision of InSAR-DEM, the precision of low-coherence area approaches 100 m while that of high-coherence area can up to m level. (5) The relief trend of 6 profiles represented by InSAR-DEM and TOP-DEM is accordant with tiny difference in partial minutiae. InSAR-DEM displays hypsographies at relative flat areas including surface of water, which reflects the influence of flat earth on InSAR to a certain extent.
机译:从勘测数据得出的数字高程模型(DEM)是准确的,但它非常昂贵且耗时。近年来,已开发出包括合成斜度雷达干涉测量法(InSAR)在内的遥感技术,作为获得高精度DEM的有力方法,尤其是在山区或深林地区。本文的目的是说明InSAR的原理,并展示在中国云南省个旧市进行的案例研究结果。还可以通过将InSAR衍生的DEM(缩写为InSAR-DEM)与从地形图生成的DEM(比例尺为1:50000)(简称TOP-DEM)进行比较来评估其准确性。结果表明:(l)通过从TOP-DEM中减去InSAR-DEM获得的整个选定区域的总体精度为,两个DEM的最大值,最小值,RMSE和差值的平均值为203m,-分别为188m,26.9m和5.7m。 (2)尽管TOP-DEM比InSAR-DEM更精细,特别是在山谷,但两个DEM所代表的地形趋势是一致的。 (3)从InSAR-DEM和TOP-DEM分别转换出100m和50m间隔的等高线图显示出一致的起伏趋势。 TOP-DEM的轮廓比InSAR-DEM的轮廓更平滑,而InSAR-DEM的轮廓比TOP-DEM的轮廓具有更多的孤岛。(4)相干性对InSAR-DEM的精度,低相干区接近100 m,高相干区可达m级。 (5)以InSAR-DEM和TOP-DEM表示的6个剖面的起伏趋势与局部细节的微小差异一致。 InSAR-DEM在包括水面在内的相对平坦的区域显示催眠图,这在一定程度上反映了平坦地球对InSAR的影响。



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