首页> 外文会议>Photochemistry and Photoelectrochemistry of Organic and Inorganic Molecular Thin Films >Photochemistry and photophysics of stilbene and diphenylpolyene surfactants in su

Photochemistry and photophysics of stilbene and diphenylpolyene surfactants in su




Abstract: A number of surfactant trans-stilbene derivatives have been synthesized and investigated in supported Langmuir-Blodgett assemblies. Layers of pure stilbene surfactants or mixtures with fatty acids show 'H' aggregate characteristics including relatively low oscillator strengths for the lowest excited singlet state. Consequently these exhibit relatively low ability, individually, to donate excitation energy or transfer electrons over long ranges. Mixtures of these stilbenes, layered together to form mixed films, also show 'H' aggregate characteristics but give evidence for delocalization which can effectively span the width of an entire monolayer and result in efficient energy and electron transfer processes over distances spanning several monolayers. The extension to 'H' aggregated and dilute (monomer) diphenylbutadiene and diphenylhexatriene layers results in assemblies in which vectorial energy transfer and redox processes can occur. One of the molecules used as an energy transfer and electron transfer quencher is the cobalt (III) complex of $-8$/S$-1$/A. Although this molecule undergoes photochemical intramolecular-electron transfer-induced fragmentation in solution and microheterogeneous media, it show net photostability in the films but serves a highly effective trap. !
机译:摘要:已经合成了许多表面活性剂反式二苯乙烯衍生物,并在支持的Langmuir-Blodgett组件中进行了研究。纯二苯乙烯表面活性剂层或与脂肪酸的混合物层显示出“ H”聚集特征,包括最低激发单线态的相对较低的振荡强度。因此,它们分别表现出相对较低的能力,其在远距离上提供激发能或转移电子。这些斯蒂芬苯的混合物层叠在一起形成混合膜,也显示出“ H”聚集特征,但提供了离域化的证据,它可以有效地跨越整个单分子层的宽度,并导致跨越多个单分子层的距离上有效的能量和电子转移过程。二苯丁二烯和二苯己三烯层的“ H”聚集和稀释(单体)层的扩展导致装配中可能发生矢量能量转移和氧化还原过程。用作能量转移和电子转移猝灭剂的分子之一是$ -8 $ / S $ -1 $ / A的钴(III)配合物。尽管该分子在溶液和微非均相介质中经历了光化学分子内电子转移诱导的断裂,但它在膜中显示出净光稳定性,但具有高效的陷阱。 !



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