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Persuasive Technology for Shaping Social Beliefsof Rural Women in India: An Approach Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour


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This paper presents the Personal Health Information system (PHI), which has been designed to influence health behaviours of rural women. The objective of the PHI is to offer health information to rural women to increase their awareness about menses and maternal health. The design and development process of the PHI is based on the theory of planned behaviour and employs social cues of persuasive technology to increase perceived behaviour control of rural women. In order to measure users' level of engagement, a comparative study between the PHI and conventional health information system was conducted. The results of the interactive sessions with women of different age groups and literacy levels illustrates the usefulness of PHI in motivating rural women to challenge existing social beliefs and practices, thereby persuading them to follow correct health practices. In this paper, design process of PHI, preliminary results of the initial study, and future research plans are discussed.
机译:本文介绍了个人健康信息系统(PHI),该系统旨在影响农村妇女的健康行为。 PHI的目的是向农村妇女提供健康信息,以提高她们对月经和孕产妇健康的认识。 PHI的设计和开发过程基于计划的行为理论,并利用说服技术的社会线索来增强对农村妇女的知觉行为控制。为了衡量用户的参与程度,进行了PHI和常规健康信息系统之间的比较研究。与不同年龄组和识字水平的妇女进行的互动会议的结果表明,PHI在激励农村妇女挑战现有的社会观念和做法,从而说服她们遵循正确的保健做法方面很有用。本文讨论了PHI的设计过程,初步研究的初步结果以及未来的研究计划。



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