
Gulfstar - Porches and Pull Tubes - Comparing Two Riser Interface Options


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Historically, Spar platforms have utilized both riser porches and riser pull tubes for interfacing steelrncatenary risers (SCRs) to the floating system. The riser porch requires a stress joint at the hang-off endrnof the SCR to withstand tension and bending loads at the fixed connection. The pull tube requires specialrnhardware (e.g., a double-tapered stress joint) near the keel of the Spar where platform motions are firstrntransferred to the riser system. Each of these options for the riser interface has advantages and disadvantages.rnThe Gulfstar FPS utilized both pull tubes and a riser porch for riser interfaces.rnThis paper evaluates the experience designing and building the two different types of riser interfacesrnfor the Gulfstar FPS and the experience offshore during installation of the risers. The paper quantifies thernstructural appurtenances required for each interface in addition to the equipment required for riserrninstallation, which is significantly different for each interface type. The evaluation results in importantrnlessons learned and recommendations for both types of riser interface strategies.rnThe paper also summarizes the keel interface utilized on the Gulfstar FPS. The Gulfstar FPSrnincorporates a different approach for the keel interface with the pull tube support compared to other recentrnSpar projects in the Gulf of Mexico. The results demonstrate the compatibility of the riser keel interfacernwith the platform motions.rnThe information and results presented in this paper are applicable to engineers, designers andrnfabricators when evaluating riser interface options for floating systems, particularly Spar platforms.
机译:从历史上看,Spar平台同时利用立管门廊和立管拉管将钢质立管(SCR)与浮动系统连接。立管门廊在SCR的悬挂端需要一个应力接头,以承受固定连接处的拉力和弯曲载荷。拉管在Spar的龙骨附近需要特殊的硬件(例如,双锥度应力接头),平台的运动首先会传递到立管系统。提升管接口的每个选项都有优点和缺点。rnGulfstar FPS同时使用了拉管和提升管门廊作为提升管接口。在安装冒口期间。除了安装立管所需的设备外,本文还对每个接口所需的结构附属品进行了量化,这对于每种接口类型而言都大不相同。评估结果为两种立管接口策略提供了重要的经验教训和建议。本文还总结了在Gulfstar FPS上使用的龙骨接口。与最近在墨西哥湾进行的其他Spar项目相比,Gulfstar FPSrn在牵拉管支撑方面采用了不同的龙骨接口方法。结果表明立管龙骨接口与平台运动的兼容性。本文中提供的信息和结果适用于工程师,设计师和制造商在评估浮动系统(特别是Spar平台)的立管接口选项时。



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