
Automotive Engine Air Intake System with Variable Noise Control




Engine air intake systems are routinely tasked with delivering a specific target sound thatinvolves meeting an overall noise level and, in many cases, desired frequency content over theentire engine speed range. In order to meet these targets, it is generally necessary to incorporateone or more reactive tuning devices, such as Helmholtz resonators, into the intake system.Traditional devices provide deep attenuation at their designed frequency, but they also introduceundesirable sideband resonances at a higher and a lower frequency. Even after the addition ofseveral devices, it may still not be possible to match the desired intake noise targets due to theirdeep attenuation and sideband amplification. The subject of this work is to introduce anelectronically controlled variable noise control (VNC) device for engine air intake systems that iscapable of adjusting the air intake system’s frequency response as commanded by the engineoperating conditions. The VNC device permits the desired amount of attenuation of peaks in theair intake noise without introducing undesirable sideband resonances. In addition, because thetuning is controlled electronically, the VNC device can deliver a target-specific response usingthe same hardware across multiple vehicles or engine applications.
机译:发动机进气系统通常负责提供特定的目标声音, 涉及满足整体噪声水平,并且在许多情况下,需要满足整个 整个发动机转速范围。为了实现这些目标,通常必须将 进气系统中装有一个或多个电抗调谐设备,例如亥姆霍兹共振器。 传统设备在其设计频率下提供深衰减,但它们也引入了 在较高和较低的频率下产生不希望的边带共振。即使添加 多个设备,由于它们的匹配,可能仍无法匹配所需的进气噪声目标 深度衰减和边带放大。这项工作的主题是介绍 用于发动机进气系统的电子控制可变噪声控制(VNC)设备 能够按照发动机的要求调节进气系统的频率响应 运行条件。 VNC设备允许所需的峰值衰减量 进气噪声而不会引入不良的边带共振。另外,因为 通过电子控制调谐,VNC设备可以使用以下命令提供特定于目标的响应 跨多个车辆或引擎应用程序使用相同的硬件。



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