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Photonic Explorers Based on Multifunctional Nanoplatforms: In Vitro and In Vivo Biomedical Applications


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Photonic explorers for biomedical use with biologically localized embedding (PEBBLEs) have been developed to explore, image and monitor, microspectroscopically, live cell processes, with minimal physical and chemical interferences. The design, employing a nanoparticle made of a biologically inert matrix as a platform for loading the active molecular components by encapsulation or covalent attachment, is universal, flexible and allows for facile interchange of its components. The same design concept has been applied to build a multifunctional nanoplatform for cancer diagnosis and therapy. This nanoplatform has a polyacrylamide (PAA) core containing photosensitizers and MRI contrast agents, with a surface-coating consisting of both molecular targeting groups and polyethylene glycol (PEG), for the recognition of the tumor vasculature and for controllable particle residence time, respectively. The PEBBLEs have been successfully applied in vitro for intracellular measurements and imaging of important ionic and molecular species. In vivo studies in a rat 9L gliosarcoma model showed significant MRI contrast enhancement and photodynamic therapeutic efficacy with targeted nanoplatforms, demonstrating significant promise for their use as a combined therapeutic and diagnostic tool for cancer.
机译:已经开发了具有生物局部嵌入(PEBBLE)的生物医学光子探测器,以最小的物理和化学干扰对显微细胞的活细胞过程进行探索,成像和监视。该设计采用由生物惰性基质制成的纳米粒子作为通过封装或共价连接装载活性分子组分的平台,该设计具有通用性,灵活性,并允许其组分轻松互换。相同的设计概念已应用于构建用于癌症诊断和治疗的多功能纳米平台。该纳米平台具有包含光敏剂和MRI造影剂的聚丙烯酰胺(PAA)核心,表面涂层由分子靶向基团和聚乙二醇(PEG)组成,分别用于识别肿瘤脉管系统和可控的颗粒停留时间。 PEBBLE已成功地在体外用于细胞内测量和重要离子和分子种类的成像。在大鼠9L胶质肉瘤模型中的体内研究显示,靶向纳米平台具有明显的MRI对比增强和光动力治疗功效,证明了将其用作癌症的组合治疗和诊断工具的巨大希望。



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