
Combinatorial Topology and Discrete Morse Theory


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In the first draft of the program for this Summer School in Marrakech, we planned to expose some standard material in differential topology, and some recent developments in low dimensional topology. We had then a discussion with the organizers, and it appeared that a unifying view on the program of this School was to establish bridges between differential matter on one hand, and discrete or computational geometry on the other hand. So we decided to focus on combinatorial topology and include an introduction to Robin Forman discrete Morse theory. In this chapter, we start with some classical combinatorial topology, including piecewise linear manifolds. Then we define discrete Morse functions on CW-complexes and show that we get the usual theorems of Morse theory. Everything here should sound rather familiar for people knowing classical theory. However the relation between differentiable objects, such that gradient vector fields, and their discrete counterpart has still to be explored. The generic questions below could give starting points for interesting research.
机译:在马拉喀什这个暑期学校的程序的初稿中,我们计划公开一些差分拓扑中的标准材料,以及低维拓扑中的一些最新进展。然后,我们与组织者进行了讨论,看来该学校课程的统一观点是要在一方面差分物质与另一方面离散或计算几何之间建立桥梁。因此,我们决定专注于组合拓扑,并介绍了Robin Forman离散莫尔斯理论。在本章中,我们从一些经典的组合拓扑开始,包括分段线性流形。然后,我们在CW复数上定义了离散的Morse函数,并证明我们得到了Morse理论的通常定理。对于熟悉古典理论的人来说,这里的一切听起来应该相当熟悉。但是,可微对象之间的关系(例如梯度矢量场)及其离散对应对象之间的关系仍待探索。下面的一般性问题可以为有趣的研究提供起点。



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