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Preparation and Characterization of Al_2O_3 Thin Films for Catalytic Activity Studies


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In the present work, the surface properties of various Al oxide films were investigated. The oxide films were produced on a stainless steel by spray pyrolysis and cathodic deposition methods. The films obtained represent typical layers that can be used as a support in model systems to investigate alumina-based catalysts. Information about the chemical environment of the Al and O ions in the oxide films depending on the preparation conditions has been deduced from the binding energies of the Al 2p and O 1s electron core levels and corresponding Auger parameters.
机译:在本工作中,研究了各种Al氧化物膜的表面性质。通过喷雾热解和阴极沉积法在不锈钢上产生氧化膜。所获得的膜代表典型的层,可用作模型系统中的载体,以研究基于氧化铝的催化剂。由Al 2p和O 1s电子核心能级的结合能以及相应的俄歇参数推导了根据制备条件得出的有关氧化膜中Al和O离子化学环境的信息。



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