首页> 外文会议>Multisensor, multisource information fusion: Architectures, algorithms, and applications 2011 >A relaxed fusion of information from real and synthetic images to predict complex behavior

A relaxed fusion of information from real and synthetic images to predict complex behavior


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An important component of cognitive robotics is the ability to mentally simulate physical processes and to compare the expected results with the information reported by a robot's sensors. In previous work, we have proposed an approach that integrates a 3D game-engine simulation into the robot control architecture. A key part of that architecture is the Match-Mediated Difference (MMD) operation, an approach to fusing sensory data and synthetic predictions at the image level. The MMD operation insists that simulated and predicted scenes are similar in terms of the appearance of the objects in the scene. This is an overly restrictive constraint on the simulation since parts of the predicted scene may not have been previously viewed by the robot. In this paper we propose an extended MMD operation that relaxes the constraint and allows the real and synthetic scenes to differ in some features but not in (selected) other features. Image difference operations that allow a real image and synthetic image generated from an arbitrarily colored graphical model of a scene to be compared. Scenes with the same content show a zero difference. Scenes with varying foreground objects can be controlled to compare the color, size and shape of the foreground
机译:认知机器人技术的重要组成部分是能够在心理上模拟物理过程,并将预期结果与机器人传感器报告的信息进行比较的能力。在先前的工作中,我们提出了一种将3D游戏引擎模拟集成到机器人控制体系结构中的方法。该体系结构的关键部分是匹配中介差异(MMD)操作,这是一种在图像级别融合感官数据和合成预测的方法。 MMD操作坚持认为,模拟和预测的场景在场景中的对象外观方面相似。由于对预测场景的某些部分可能没有被机器人先前查看,因此对模拟的限制过于严格。在本文中,我们提出了一种扩展的MMD操作,该操作可放宽约束,并允许真实场景和合成场景在某些功能上有所不同,而在(选定的)其他功能上则不同。图像差异操作,允许对从场景的任意颜色的图形模型生成的真实图像和合成图像进行比较。内容相同的场景差异为零。可以控制具有变化的前景对象的场景,以比较前景的颜色,大小和形状



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