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A Simple Mode of Facsimile Using Internet Mail




This specification provides for 'simple mode' carriage of facsimiledata using Internet mail. Extensions to this document will follow.The current specification employs standard protocols and file formatssuch as TCP/IP, Internet mail protocols [1, 2, 3], MIME [4, 10, 11],and TIFF for Facsimile [5, 12, 14]. It can send images not only to other Internet-aware facsimile devices but also to Internet-nativesystems, such as PCs with common email readers which can handle MIMEmail and TIFF for Facsimile data. The specification facilitatescommunication among existing facsimile devices, Internet mail agents,and the gateways which connect them.This document is a revision of RFC 2305. There have been no technicalchanges.
机译:该规范提供了使用Internet邮件的传真数据的“简单模式”传输。本文档的扩展将随之而来。当前规范采用标准协议和文件格式,例如TCP / IP,Internet邮件协议[1、2、3],MIME [4、10、11]和用于传真[5、12的TIFF]。 14]。它不仅可以将图像发送到其他可识别Internet的传真设备,还可以将图像发送到Internet本地系统,例如具有可处理MIMEmail和TIFF传真数据的通用电子邮件阅读器的PC。该规范促进了现有传真设备,Internet邮件代理以及连接它们的网关之间的通信。本文档是RFC 2305的修订版。没有技术上的更改。



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