
Public Safety Mashups to Support Policy Makers




To shape an effective and sound public safety policy, policy makers have a need for statistical insights in factors that may influence public safety. Today, there is a wide variety of sources available that contain data that is related to public safety. The data in these sources varies from register to survey data. There is a growing need to mash data from these sources and to create a coherent and uniform view of public safety. In this paper, we present a tool to create public safety mashups. The tool collects and processes safety related data from relevant sources. Mashups are presented in a uniform and accessible way to support policy makers in developing sound public safety policies. Besides data that is directly related to public safety, also contextual information, such as demographic data, is included in the tool that may help the user to understand the development of public safety aspects in the course of time.
机译:为了塑造有效和声音的公共安全政策,政策制定者需要对可能影响公共安全的因素的统计洞察力。今天,有各种各样的来源,包含与公共安全有关的数据。这些源中的数据从寄存器变化到调查数据。饲养来自这些来源的数据越来越大,并造成公共安全的连贯性和统一性。在本文中,我们提出了一种创建公共安全mashups的工具。该工具从相关来源收集和处理安全相关数据。 Mashup以统一和可访问的方式呈现,以支持政策制定者在开发声音公共安全政策方面。除了与公共安全直接相关的数据外,还包括人口统计数据的上下文信息,包括在工具中,这些信息可以帮助用户在时间内了解公共安全方面的开发。



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