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Putting the Applied in Applied Psychology: Experiential Learning Projects in the HFE Classroom




The objective of this panel is to open a dialog about how experiential learning is being represented within the human factors and ergonomic classroom. The panel will start by Heather Lum briefly giving an overview and the precipice for this discussion panel. The panelists will then provide their views and experiences regarding this topic. Gabriella Hancock will discuss how she prepares her students for 'publish or perish' through a hands-on assignment. Grace Waldfogle will discuss how her undergraduate applied project prepared her for graduate education in human factors. Federico Scholcover will share his experiences with a semester long design project and how he uses what he learned there in a job setting. Finally, Nicholas Kelling will discuss the industry-academia collaborative process and how it prepares students for life beyond the classroom. The specific theme of this discussion panel is focused on the differing perspectives that one might face rom either the instructor and student perspectives. Dr. Lum will foster discussion among the panelists and questions from the general audience.
机译:本面板的目的是开展对对话的对话,了解经验主义学习如何在人体因素和符合人体工程学教室中代表。小组将从Heather Lum开始简要介绍此讨论面板的概述和悬崖。小组成员将提供有关此主题的观点和经验。 Gabriella Hancock将讨论她如何通过实际转让为她的学生们为“公布或灭亡”。 Grace Waldfogle将讨论她的本科应用程序如何为人类因素的研究生教育准备。 Federico Speccover将与一个学期的长设计项目分享他的经验以及他如何在工作环境中使用他所学到的内容。最后,Nicholas Kelling将讨论行业 - 学术界的协作过程以及它如何为学生造成教室的生活。本讨论小组的具体主题专注于有可能面临教练和学生视角的不同观点。 Lum博士将促进小组成员和普通观众的问题之间的讨论。



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