首页> 外文会议>Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting >Layered Dynamics and System Effectiveness of Human-Autonomy Teams Under Degraded Conditions

Layered Dynamics and System Effectiveness of Human-Autonomy Teams Under Degraded Conditions




Project overview. Teamwork can be defined as dynamic team interaction between two or more interdependent members to achieve a shared goal. Many studies have examined how coordination dynamics are associated with team effectiveness in the context of all-human teams (Gorman, Amazeen, & Cooke, 2010), and later, in human-autonomy teams (HAT)s (Demir, Likens, Cooke, Amazeen, & McNeese, 2018). HATs must have autonomous agents that act as effective teammates and help enable HATs to function as collaborative systems. Synergistic relationships among a system's human and technological components provide the basis for emergent systems-level outcomes. Layered dynamics, a recent empirical modelling technique aimed at achieving this objective (Gorman et al., 2019), considers reorganization of the sociotechnical system across individual components and the overall system. The current study examined layered dynamics of HATs during automation and autonomy failures and addresses how members of HATs interact with each other and technological aspects of the system.
机译:项目概况。团队合作可以定义为两个或多个相互依存成员之间的动态团队交互,以实现共享目标。许多研究审查了在全人团队(Gorman,Amazeen和Cooke,2010)的背景下如何与团队有效性相关的协调动态如何,以后,在人类自治团队(帽子)S(Demir,比较,Cooke, Amazeen,&McNeese,2018)。帽子必须具有充当有效的队友的自主代理,并帮助使帽子成为协作系统。系统人力和技术成分之间的协同关系为紧急系统级结果提供了基础。旨在实现这一目标的最近实证建模技术的分层动态(Gorman等,2019),考虑了社会技术系统的重组,跨各个组件和整个系统。目前的研究在自动化和自主失败期间检查了帽子的分层动态,并解决了帽子的成员如何与系统的技术方面相互作用。



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