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Impact of Game-Based Learning on Learning Motivation High School Students




The goal of this research to determine differences in learning motivation between classroom using Game-Based Learning with classrooms using the conventional method at high school students. Quasi-experiment used in this research design with a pre-test post-test control group. The samples divide into an experimental group, which uses Game-Based Learning and control group using conventional methods. Using learning design instruments and test questions. Based on field data, the mean value of the pre-test experimental group 51.87and the control group 51.57. Once treated, the average value of the experimental group 83.80 and the control group 74.33. The results of the significance of the t-test 0.000 < 0.05.
机译:本研究的目标是利用高中生的常规方法确定基于游戏学习的课堂学习动机的差异。 在本研究设计中使用的准实验,具有预测后检测组。 样品分为一个实验组,使用常规方法使用基于游戏的学习和控制组。 使用学习设计仪器和测试问题。 基于现场数据,预测试实验组的平均值51.87和对照组51.57。 一旦治疗,实验组83.80的平均值和对照组74.33。 T检验的显着性结果0.000 <0.05。



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