首页> 外文会议>IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering >Assessing Perceived Sentiment in Pull Requests with Emoji: Evidence from Tools and Developer Eye Movements

Assessing Perceived Sentiment in Pull Requests with Emoji: Evidence from Tools and Developer Eye Movements




The paper presents an eye tracking pilot study on understanding how developers read and assess sentiment in twenty-four GitHub pull requests containing emoji randomly selected from five different open source applications. Gaze data was collected on various elements of the pull request page in Google Chrome while the developers were tasked with determining perceived sentiment. The developer perceived sentiment was compared with sentiment output from five state-of-the-art sentiment analysis tools. SentiStrength-SE had the highest performance, with 55.56% of its predictions being agreed upon by study participants. On the other hand, Stanford CoreNLP fared the worst, with only 5.56% of its predictions matching that of the participants’. Gaze data shows the top three areas that developers looked at the most were the comment body, added lines of code, and username (the person writing the comment). The results also show high attention given to emoji in the pull request comment body compared to the rest of the comment text. These results can help provide additional guidelines on the pull request review process.
机译:本文提出了一种关于了解开发人员如何在二十四个GitHub拉出请求中读取和评估情绪的眼睛跟踪试验研究,其中包含从五种不同开源应用中随机选择的Emoji。在Google Chrome中的拉杆请求页面的各种元素上收集了凝视数据,而开发人员则受到确定感知情绪的任务。将开发商感知情绪与五种最先进的情绪分析工具的情绪输出进行比较。 Sentistrength-SE具有最高的性能,其中55.56%的预测由学习参与者达成一致。另一方面,Stanford Corenlp最糟糕的是,只有5.56%的预测符合参与者的预测。凝视数据显示开发人员看起来最多的三个领域是评论机构,添加的代码行和用户名(写作的人)。结果还显示出在拉杆请求评论机构中的表情符号的高度关注,与其他评论文本相比。这些结果可以帮助提供额外的提取请求审查过程指南。



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