首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems >Robust Path Following Controller for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on Carrot Chasing Guidance Law Using Dynamic Inversion

Robust Path Following Controller for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on Carrot Chasing Guidance Law Using Dynamic Inversion




This paper focuses on autonomous path-following flight under uncertainty and external disturbances. Integrated UAV waypoints guidance scheme based on carrot chasing guidance law is presented. In order to follow a desired path a Virtual Track Point (VTP) is introduced on the path and make the UAV chase it. The UAV updates its heading direction toward the VTP. As time progresses, the UAV will move toward the path and asymptotically follow the path. Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (NDI) awards the flight control system researchers a straight forward method of deriving control laws for nonlinear systems. The control inputs are used to cancel unwanted terms in the equations of motion using negative feedback of these terms. The two-timescale assumption that separates the fast dynamics which are the three angular rates of the aircraft from the slow dynamics which include the angle of attack, side-slip angle, and bank angle is adopted. NDI control law is designed for the fast variables using the deflection of aerodynamic control surfaces as inputs. Next, NDI is applied to the control of the slow states using the outputs of the fast loop as inputs. Simulation results for the nonlinear flight control system are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the technique. The validation of the designed flight system controller is demonstrated through real flight test.
机译:本文重点介绍了不确定和外部干扰下的自主路径。介绍了基于胡萝卜追逐指导法的综合UAV航点指导方案。为了遵循所需的路径,在路径上引入虚拟轨迹点(VTP)并使UAV追逐它。 UAV将其标题方向更新为VTP。随着时间的推移,UAV将向路径移动并渐近遵循路径。非线性动态反转(NDI)奖励飞行控制系统研究人员直接导出非线性系统控制规律的直接方法。使用这些术语的负反馈,控制输入用于在运动方程中取消不需要的术语。采用了两次时间尺度的假设,该假设是从包括攻击角,侧滑角和银行角度的慢动动力学中飞机的三个角度率的快速动力学。 NDI控制法由使用空气动力控制表面的偏转作为输入的快速变量设计。接下来,使用快速循环的输出作为输入来应用NDI对慢速状态的控制。给出了非线性飞行控制系统的仿真结果说明了该技术的有效性。通过真正的飞行测试证明了设计的飞行系统控制器的验证。



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