首页> 外文会议>European Distance and E-Learning Network annual conference >SCHOOL DISPLACEMENT: LEARNING OUTSIDE BORDERS





This text explores the extent to which classrooms are being transformed as a consequence of learning changing paradigms. Its borders are here considered, in order to open the dialogue on the future of formal education and the scenarios that may (not) be intentionally designed to preserve and revive cultures. Current policies are briefly identified to understand what is still driving the decisions on the Education field. All this context gives support to the presentation of a framework - the ik-Model - that has Pedagogy as its central axis. It is displayed as an approach that enables the iterative reasoning and acting towards wider and deeper learning opportunities, fuelled by an inspiring and contextualized look upon peoples' needs and wills, cultures and roots, globalisation, networks, and displacement. Throughout the presentation, some examples will be shared regarding the potential of the framework to help designing learning scenarios based on mastery, participation and collective signification. A case study from Bolivia is briefly presented to question the learning age grouping and how the challenges of breaking age barriers to learning may be intentionally revised using the ik-Model. From Jordan, we learn how to blend different learning resources and how teachers and students roles are naturally reconceived in a scenario where they have the opportunity to master their actions and profoundly develop their accountability. In this example, present and future perspectives mix, as well as real and virtual worlds to foster girls and women empowerment. In Portugal we understand the power of role-taking when it comes to integrate the new and how contexts of learning and applying content may not be conceived as static ones. In the conclusion, learning (dis)placement is explored considering the messages from the examples described before, where narratives and learning stories are assumed as the most wanted outcomes from meaning.
机译:本文根据学习改变范式的后果探讨了教室正在转化的程度。它的边界在这里被审议,以便在正规教育的未来开放对话以及可能(不)故意旨在保护和复兴文化的情况。简要识别目前的政策以了解仍在推动教育领域的决定。所有这些上下文都提供了支持框架的呈现 - IK模型 - 具有教育学的作为中央轴。它被展示为一种方法,使迭代推理和朝着更广泛和更深的学习机会的方式,通过鼓舞人心的和情境化的观点,旨在看待人们的需求和遗嘱,文化和根,全球化,网络和流离失所。在整个演示中,将有关框架的潜力来共享一些示例,以帮助根据掌握,参与和集体意义设计学习场景。简要介绍了玻利维亚的案例研究质疑学习年龄分组以及如何使用IK模型故意修改破坏年龄障碍的学习障碍的挑战。来自乔丹,我们了解如何混合不同的学习资源以及教师和学生角色如何在他们有机会掌握行动和深刻发展他们的责任的情况下自然地重新融合。在这个例子中,现在和未来的观点混合,以及真实的和虚拟世界,促进女孩和女性赋权。在葡萄牙,我们了解角色的力量 - 当谈到整合新的以及学习的背景和应用内容的背景可能不被认为是静态的。在结论中,探讨了学习(DIS)展示介绍从之前描述的示例的消息,其中叙述和学习故事被认为是来自意义的最想要的结果。



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