首页> 外文会议>Conference on Computer-Aided Diagnosis >Automated Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopic Images Based on Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)

Automated Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopic Images Based on Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)




Melanoma is considered a major health problem since it is the deadliest form of skin cancer. The early diagnosis through periodic screening with dermoscopic images can significantly improve the survival rate as well as reduce the treatment cost and consequent suffering of patients. Dermoscopy or skin surface microscopy provides in vivo inspection of color and morphologic structures of pigmented skin lesions (PSLs), rendering higher accuracy for detecting suspicious cases than it is possible via inspecting with naked eye. However, interpretation of dermoscopic images is time consuming and subjective, even for trained dermatologists. Therefore, there is currently a great interest in the development of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems for automated melanoma recognition. However, the majority of the CAD systems are still in the early development stage with lack of descriptive feature generation and benchmark evaluation in ground-truth datasets. This work is focusing on by addressing the various issues related to the development of such a CAD system with effective feature extraction from Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transform (NSCT) and Eig(Hess) histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) and lesion classification with efficient Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) due to its good generalization abilities and a high learning efficiency and evaluating its effectiveness in a benchmark data set of dermoscopic images towards the goal of realistic comparison and real clinical integration. The proposed research on melanoma recognition has huge potential for offering powerful services that would significantly benefit the present Biomedical Information Systems.



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