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NSF/CII Construction Research Workshop Results

机译:NSF / CII建设研究研讨会结果

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The world is changing at an unprecedented rate. In some areas obsolescence is just 18 months away after the introduction of a new product. Construction, however, has been rather reticent in increasing its rate of change. This reticence probably emanates from its very nature: one-of-a-kind projects, highly customized, labor intensive, and employing a large variety of traditional skills. To address this reticence, a group of construction practitioners, contractors, owners and academicians, met recently for two days to share their diverse knowledge, views and experience with focus to this topic. These highly stimulating discussions yielded some insights into: 1. The barriers that slow down the rate of change in the construction industry 2. The nature of how research is converted into knowledge and finally action. 3. The process of institutionalizing innovations This paper describes and summarizes these insights, derived from an enormous amount of data collected during the meeting.
机译:世界正在以前所未有的速度变化。在某些地区,新产品推出后仅过了18个月就过时了。但是,建筑在提高其变化率方面相当谨慎。这种沉默可能源于其本质:同类项目,高度定制,劳动密集型以及采用多种传统技能。为了解决这一问题,一群建筑从业人员,承包商,业主和院士最近举行了为期两天的会议,分享了他们对这一主题的不同知识,观点和经验。这些激动人心的讨论产生了以下一些见解:1.阻碍建筑业变化速度的障碍2.研究如何转化为知识并最终采取行动的性质。 3.将创新制度化的过程本文描述并总结了这些见解,这些见解来自于会议期间收集的大量数据。



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