
Flex Tandem with Senintel-3




The FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) is an Earth observation mission developed by ESA, whose main objective is to perform quantitative measurements of the solar induced vegetation fluorescence with the goal of monitoring the vegetation photosynthetic activity. FLEX will orbit in tandem with one of the Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellites, this will allow to benefit from the optical and thermal instruments of Sentinel-3 (OLCI and SLSTR) and provide an integrated package of measurements. For this purpose, the swath of the FLEX instrument (FLORIS) needs to be contained within the swath of the OLCI camera 4 on board of Senitnel-3 and the time difference between the observations of each of the instruments shall be within 6 to 15 seconds, keeping the selected distance as stable as possible. When defining the orbit control strategy, safety is the highest priority, while disturbances in Sentinel-3 operations shall be avoided and FLEX operations shall be kept to the minimum. Having in mind that FLEX mission is currently in phase B2 and that at this stage of the mission there are still many uncertainties, any proposed orbit control shall demonstrate compliance with the above stated requirements under a wide range of design and environment boundaries. The most straightforward approach is a hybrid control box strategy. This strategy allows an independent control of the in plane maneuvers to correct for the air drag, whereas the out-of-plane maneuvers of both satellites are coordinated. This control meet all the requirements, but the whole dead-band of 6 to 15 seconds is exploited. In order to obtain a more stable distance between both satellites a master-slave strategy in which FLEX mimicked all Sentinel-3 maneuvers is envisaged. The analysis showed some improvement with respect to the control box strategy, but for the cases in which the ratio between the ballistic coefficients is low a more advanced orbit control concept is needed. Intermediate FLEX maneuvers are introduced, reducing
机译:荧光探险者(Flex)是由ESA开发的地球观测任务,其主要目的是通过监测植被光合活动的目标进行太阳能诱导植被荧光的定量测量。 Flex将在串联中轨道轨道,其中一个套农柱卫星卫星之一,这将允许从Sentinel-3(OLCI和SLST)的光学和热仪器中受益,并提供一体的测量包。为此,Flex仪器(Floris)的条款需要包含在塞尼拿-3船上OLCI相机4的条件内,并且每个仪器的观察之间的时间差应在6到15秒内,保持所选距离尽可能稳定。在定义轨道控制策略时,安全是最优先级,而Sentinel-3操作中的干扰应避免,并保持最小值。请记住,目前在B2阶段,在这个任务的这个阶段仍有许多不确定性,任何拟议的轨道控制都应遵守上述规定的要求,根据各种设计和环境边界。最直接的方法是混合控制箱策略。该策略允许独立地控制在平面操纵中以校正空气阻力,而两颗卫星的平面外操纵则协调。该控制满足所有要求,但剥削了6到15秒的整个死区。为了在卫星之间获得更稳定的距离,设想了柔性的主从策略,其中弯曲肌肉模仿所有Sentinel-3操纵。该分析表明对控制箱策略的一些改进,但对于弹道系数之间的比率低,需要更高的轨道控制概念。介绍中间弯曲机动,减少



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