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Tests in Orbit and DreamKit programs in the United Arab Emirates - Innovative dual approach to enable and inspire learners to reach for the stars

机译:在阿拉伯联合酋长国轨道和Dreamkit课程中的测试 - 创新的双重方法,以使学习者能够接触到明星



The United Arab Emirates is the base for the first ever Arabic and Islamic mission to Mars, and the home of the increasingly impactful UAE Space Agency. As the nation builds a robust space program on the cutting edge of technology, one important factor for success is the ample supply of inspired and engaged engineers. DreamUp is the first company bringing space into the classroom and the classroom into space, and is uniquely positioned to support the UAE as they engage learners globally with the most cutting-edge educational opportunities in microgravity. Through a partnership (that also includes Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) and Nanoracks), the UAE Space Agency and DreamUp are bringing the possibility of space research directly to Emirati students, and producing a science kit that will enable students around the globe to have hands-on learning in association with the flight of the first Emirati astronaut to the ISS - Hazza AlMansouri. The program, named Tests in Orbit, invited student groups in the UAE to develop experiments focused in two areas - Life in Space and Energy in Space. A record number of applications have been received, and a selection workshop took place in March 2019. Three winners were chosen, and they are currently working on their payloads that are scheduled to launch in 2020. Concurrently, an experiment was designed for the Emirati astronaut to perform when he visited the International Space Station earlier this year. DreamUp will be manufacturing a science kit, with the support of the UAE Space Agency, to enable leaners around the globe to mimic the Emirati astronaut's experiment and compare the results they find with those found by the astronaut. This dual-program approach is innovative and the first of its kind -providing hands-on learning experiences not only to university students who have been selected to fly an experiment to the ISS, but also to thousands of leaners in all parts of the globe, to inspire them to reach for the stars. T
机译:阿拉伯联合酋长国是第一个阿拉伯语和伊斯兰教使命对火星的基础,以及越来越多的阿联酋空间机构的家园。随着国家在技术的前沿建立了一项强大的空间计划,成功的一个重要因素是充分供应的灵感和从事工程师。 Dreamup是第一家将空间带入教室和教室进入太空的公司,并且独特地定​​位于支持阿联酋,因为他们在全球范围内参与了学习者,以微匍匐的最前沿的教育机会。通过伙伴关系(还包括高学院(HCT)和Nanoracks),阿联酋航天局和梦想是将空间研究直接带到Emirati学生的可能性,并制作一个将使全球学生能够拥有的科学套件与第一个Emirati宇航员飞往ISS - Hazza Almansouri的动手学习。该计划,在轨道中命名的测试,邀请阿联酋的学生团体开发专注于两个地区的实验 - 空间中的空间和能量中的寿命。已收到的记录申请数,并在2019年3月进行了选择研讨会。选择了三位获奖者,目前正在努力计划于2020年推出的有效载荷。同时,专为Emirati宇航员设计了一个实验当他今年早些时候访问国际空间站时进行。 Dreamup将制造一家科学套件,通过阿联酋空间机构的支持,使全球倾向于献身者,以模仿Emirati宇航员的实验,并比较他们发现的结果与宇航员发现的结果。这种双程方法是创新性的,而且它的第一个 - 不仅可以针对ISS对ISS进行实验的大学生,而且在全球各地的成千上万的瘦手上进行专业的学习经历激励他们到达星星。 T.



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