首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Innovations in Sports, Tourism and Instructional Science >The effect of comprehensive classes of health aerobics on women aged 18-25 years

The effect of comprehensive classes of health aerobics on women aged 18-25 years




The purpose of the article is to justify the effectiveness of a comprehensive methodology for health aerobics classes in women aged 18-25 years. Materials and methods: the study was conducted on the premises of the South Ural State University training and sports facilities. Thirty women aged from 18 to 25 years were selected Among them, 50% are university students from Chelyabinsk, 40% are employed, 10% are housewives regularly engaged in health aerobics. Pedagogical research methods were applied, consisting of analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, interviews with trainers and students, questionnaires, a sociological survey, pedagogical control tests, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics (data grouping, analysis of statistical material). Results: The paper provides convincing evidence that most of the types of aerobics have a targeted effect on the body. Thus, there is a need for developing integrated methods which is one of the promising directions for heath-improving physical education The features of our experimental methodology include: compliance with age, gender, individual and other characteristics of women; the motivation of women for aerobics; the use of elements of various types of aerobics, which allows trainers to influence positively the physical fitness of students.



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