
Identifying Important Components for Life Style Changes Using an Online Complex E-health Intervention in General Practice: a qualitative interview study




In a prospective pilot study, we recently found a 7.0 kg mean weight loss within a 20 months' intervention period using an online complex e-health approach. In order to tailor a randomized controlled trial testing an online platform with app technology, accelerometers etc., we conducted a qualitative interview study to identify important determinants for weight loss management using digital solutions. Results showed that the main themes for incitements identified were life events in close family, the establishment of support, a honest and trustworthy relationship with health professionals, and/or supportive peers and ways to monitor the behavioral change with nudging from a reference person. The primary barriers were self-inflicted obstacles, an experience of lack of self-efficacy and ways to keep up appearances when discussing personal health issues with peers. The primary roles of the referents were the experience of honest and trustworthy forums to discuss personal challenges. We can conclude that the important factors are the availability of behavioral change monitoring and empathic relevant feedback. The opinions of referents matter, and long-term success depends on the ability to establish a strong positive support online and/or offline. E-health solutions can support healthy living, but further investigations are needed to establish updated relevant solutions that can be used in daily practice.


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