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Federal and state disputes over water will never be resolved




In PUD No. 1 of Jefferson County v. Washington Department of Ecology (Tacoma), the U. S. Supreme Court held that a state may include minimum stream flow requirements in a certification issued pursuant to section 401 of the Clean Water Act insofar as necessary to enforce a designated use contained in a state water quality standard. However, the Court stated that this authority was not unlimited. In Tunbridge Mill Corporation, Project No. 11090, Order Issuing License (Tunbridge), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission decided that its prior decisions regarding the mandatory nature of conditions contained in state water quality certifications were incorrect. FERC ruled previously that review of the appropriateness of section 401 conditions was within the preview of state courts, not the Commission. The Commission concluded that to the extent states include conditions that are unrelated to water quality, those conditions are beyond the scope of section 401 and are thus unlawful.
机译:在杰斐逊县的PUD第1号。华盛顿生态学系(塔科马),美国最高法院召开,国家可能包括根据必要的净水资源行动第401条发出的认证中的最低流量规定 州水质标准中包含的指定用途。 但是,法院表示,这个权威不是无限制的。 在Tunbridge Mill Corporation,项目第11090号项目,订单发行许可证(Tunbridge),联邦能源监督委员会决定其关于国家水质认证条件条件的强制性的先前决定不正确。 FERC统治先前,审查了第401条条款的适当性在国务院预测中,而不是委员会。 委员会得出结论,在规模的情况下包括与水质无关的条件,这些条件超出了第401条的范围,因此是非法的。



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