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Detention of Terrorism Suspects in the Perspective of Equality Before the Law




Indonesia is a state of law as explained in article 1 paragraph 3 of the UUD 1945 Constitution which stipulates that the Republic of Indonesia is a state based on law. As a constitutional state, it is necessary to uphold good human rights, certain groups as well as individuals, vulnarable people, etc. One of which is principle of equal treatment before law of this country described in Article 3 paragraph 2 of Law No. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights and Article 28 D paragraph 1. UUD 1945. But in applying the principle of equal treatment before law, there are specific criminal acts that are not in accordance with these principles related to the period of detention, especially in criminal acts of terrorism where the period of detention from the level of investigation, prosecution and examination in court proceedings is much longer than other special criminal acts, namely 290 days which are specifically regulated in Law No. 5 of 2018 concerning amendments to Law Number 15 of 2003 concerning stipulation of regulations Government In lieu of Law Number 1 of 2002 Regarding Eradication of the Criminal Act of Terrorism into Law. While other specific criminal acts include corruption, money laundering and narcotics crime related to the period of detention from the level of investigation, prosecution and examination in a court of law which is regulated based on the Criminal Procedure Code which has a shorter period of 200 days. Based on this there are differences related to the period of detention between terrorism and other specific criminal acts. Therefore it needs to be questioned related to the application of the principle of equality before the law in the criminal act of terrorism.
机译:印度尼西亚是一项法律,如uud 1945章程第1条第3款所述,规定了印度尼西亚共和国是基于法律的国家。作为宪法国家,有必要秉承良好的人权,某些群体以及个人,劣势人物等。其中一个是第39号法律第3款第2款所述法律法律之前平等的待遇原则1999年关于人权和第28条第1款第1款。但在法律前的平等待遇原则时,有具体的犯罪行为,不按照与拘留期有关的这些原则,特别是在犯罪行为中恐怖主义的恐怖主义,在法院诉讼程序中的调查水平,起诉和审查期间比其他特殊犯罪行为长得多,即290天,该法案在2018年第5号法律中特别监管了2003年第15号法律修正案关于法规政府的规定,提出了2002年第1号法律,关于根除恐怖主义犯罪行为。虽然其他具体的犯罪行为包括腐败,洗钱和麻醉品犯罪,与拘留的拘留期有关的调查,起诉和审查的拘留期,该法院根据刑事诉讼程序规定的刑事诉讼程序规定,较短的200天。基于这,与恐怖主义与其他特定犯罪行为之间的拘留期有所不同。因此,需要质疑与犯罪行为前平等原则的应用有关。



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