
Tree Network Under Space L and Space P Model




Transport network and transport efficiency in building cost under the influence of the interaction will evolve some nontrivial topological features. In particular, when building cost plays an important role, the networks tend to be characteristics of tree structure. Although the cost and efficiency for space under different trade-offs have been the studies in network topology, but the research of the tree structure of network is very rare. In this paper, we analyze two empirical types of tree networks: natural evolution of clonal plant ecology topology and artificial construction of metro network structure. We found that, although the evolution of these two types of networks in optimization strategies, and spatial distribution of resources may be completely different, they are in Space L and Space P models all showing the similar topology. Further, we have compared the two network structures with a random branch tree, it was found that they in the same manner and extent of deviation from the predicted random branching tree. These results show that even a relatively simple shape tree network, also has an abundant structure and organization of universal principles that may be closely related with the function of the system.



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