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Machine Learning Approach to Identifying Key Environmental Factors for Airfield Asphalt Pavement Performance




Machine learning (ML) techniques are promising methods for developing predictive models involving multiple interrelated predictors. A key step in an ML procedure is feature engineering, which is a method for converting raw data into sets of useful and relevant features that provide the best performance model prediction. In this study, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) applied feature engineering to the problem of identifying the key environmental variables (climate and weather) that influence airfield asphalt pavement performance. The FAA implemented various feature selection and feature construction methods based on supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. Selected environmental variables will become inputs to the machine learning models being developed to predict long-term pavement performance. Data from the FAA extended airport pavement life (EAPL) program were used in this study. The EAPL database includes various pavement performance measures, such as PCI and derivative indexes, surface friction and profile roughness indices, as well as maintenance work histories, historical runway usage, and historical weather data for runways at large- and medium-hub U.S. airports. In this study, the effect of certain environmental variables was evaluated with respect to the performance index anti-SCI, a derivative of the PCI containing only those distresses that are not directly caused by aircraft loads.
机译:机器学习(ML)技术是开发涉及多个相互关联的预测因子的预测模型的有希望的方法。 ML过程中的一个关键步骤是特征工程,它是一种将原始数据转换为具有最佳性能模型预测的有用和相关特征集的方法。在本研究中,联邦航空管理局(FAA)将特征工程应用于识别影响机场沥青路面性能的关键环境变量(气候和天气)的问题。 FAA实施了基于监督和无监督学习算法的各种特征选择和特征施工方法。选择的环境变量将成为开发的机器学习模型的输入,以预测长期路面性能。本研究中使用了FAA扩展机场路面寿命(EAPL)程序的数据。 EAPL数据库包括各种路面性能措施,例如PCI和衍生指标,表面摩擦和配置文件粗糙度指数,以及大型和中枢纽U.S.机场的跑道的维护工作历史,历史跑道使用和历史天气数据。在该研究中,对某些环境变量的效果是关于性能指标抗SCI评估的,仅含有由飞机负载直接引起的患者的PCI的衍生物。



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