首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies >A Study on Congestion Effect on Locational Market Price for Profit Market Strategies

A Study on Congestion Effect on Locational Market Price for Profit Market Strategies




This paper presents an analysis on the effect of congestion in determining the profit for generating companies. The locational market price (LMP) determined at each node/bus determines the profit for generating companies and benefit for the consumers. The transmission line loading capabilities will have effect on scheduling the generators. The congestion of transmission line influences the LMP at each node where the transmission line is connected. The difference in marginal cost of generator and LMP at the node connected will determine loss or profit to the generating company. In this paper, a three-bus, seven-bus, and nine-bus systems are simulated for different congestions, and effect on profit is studied. The congestion effect on price of generating companies is studied in this paper. A method to relieve congestion by some percentage on transmission line to benefit generating companies is the key study in this paper, and results are presented in detail.
机译:本文介绍了拥塞在确定生成公司利润方面的效果分析。 在每个节点/总线上确定的地点市场价格(LMP)决定了为消费者提供公司和利益的利润。 传输线加载能力将对调度发电机产生影响。 传输线的拥塞在连接传输线的每个节点处影响LMP。 连接节点的发电机和LMP的边际成本差异将确定发电公司的损失或利润。 在本文中,为不同的拥堵模拟了三公交车,七公共汽车和九个总线系统,研究了对利润的影响。 本文研究了对发电公司价格的拥堵影响。 一种缓解在传输线上的百分比充血的方法,以获取生成公司是本文的关键研究,结果详细介绍。



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