首页> 外文会议>International Conference of the International Society for Economics and Social Science on Animal Health Southeast Asia >Does Local Dairy Agritourism Business Model in Indonesia Concern Animal Health?: Lesson Learned from Cibugary

Does Local Dairy Agritourism Business Model in Indonesia Concern Animal Health?: Lesson Learned from Cibugary




Dairy agritourism growth in Indonesia is increasing as it has potentials from its growing demand and business diversification. Many farmers/entrepreneurs work on this potentials to establish a local dairy agro-tourism based on their economic interest. To achieve their economic interest, the dairy agritourism business model should concern animal health, as cows' health will support milk production as well as the main attraction in dairy agritourism. However, there is limited knowledge of cow health in the dairy agritourism business models. This paper aims to describe the business model of Cibubur Garden Dairy (Cibugary) agritourism and examine its concern on animal health. Then, Cibugary agritourism business model is benchmarked to Cimory agritourism business model to compare the level of animal health application. This study found that Cibugary has several areas of improvement to improve the animal health, namely human resources and marketing. Based on the Strengths and Weaknesses (SW) analysis and benchmarking, Cibugary needs to improve its guides' competencies through training, optimize its social media and website to socialize its concern on animal health, and develop more various agritourism packages in the near future.
机译:印度尼西亚的乳制品农业旅游增长随着其日益增长的需求和商业多元化的潜力而增加。许多农民/企业家致力于根据其经济利益建立当地乳制品农业旅游的潜力。为实现其经济利益,乳制品农业旅游商业模式应涉及动物健康,因为奶牛的健康将支持牛奶生产以及奶牛场的主要吸引力。然而,在奶牛场商业模式中对牛健康有限的了解。本文旨在描述Cibubur Garden Dairy(Cibugary)Agritourism商业模式,并审查其对动物健康的关注。然后,Cibugary Agritourism商业模式是基准测试,以比较动物健康施用水平。本研究发现,Cibugary有几个改善领域,以改善动物健康,即人力资源和营销。基于强度和缺点(SW)分析和基准,纤维的需要通过培训,优化其社交媒体和网站,以社会对动物健康的关注,并在不久的将来开发更多各种农业旅游包的关注。



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