首页> 外文会议>IEEE Winter Applications and Computer Vision Workshops >Explainable Fingerprint ROI Segmentation Using Monte Carlo Dropout

Explainable Fingerprint ROI Segmentation Using Monte Carlo Dropout

机译:使用Monte Carlo辍学说明的指纹ROI分割



A fingerprint Region of Interest (ROI) segmentation module is one of the most crucial components in the fingerprint pre-processing pipeline. It separates the foreground finger-print and background region due to which feature extraction and matching is restricted to ROI instead of entire finger-print image. However, state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms act like a black box and do not indicate model confidence. In this direction, we propose an explainable finger-print ROI segmentation model which indicates the pixels on which the model is uncertain. Towards this, we benchmark four state-of-the-art models for semantic segmentation on fingerprint ROI segmentation. Furthermore, we demonstrate the effectiveness of model uncertainty as an attention mechanism to improve the segmentation performance of the best performing model. Experiments on publicly available Fingerprint Verification Challenge (FVC) databases show-case the effectiveness of the proposed model.
机译:感兴趣的指纹区域(ROI)分割模块是指纹预处理管道中最重要的组件之一。 它将前景指纹和背景区域分开,因为哪个特征提取和匹配仅限于ROI而不是整个手指打印图像。 然而,最先进的分割算法就像黑匣子一样,并不表示模型信心。 在此方向上,我们提出了一种可解释的指导式印刷ROI分段模型,其指示模型不确定的像素。 为此,我们在指纹ROI分段上基准测试四种最先进的模型,用于对指纹ROI分段进行语义分割。 此外,我们展示了模型不确定性作为提高最佳表演模型的分割性能的关注机制的有效性。 关于公开指纹验证挑战(FVC)数据库的实验表明 - 案例拟议模型的有效性。



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