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How to Develop and Improve Industry-Academia Relations

机译:如何发展和完善行业 - 学术界关系



Both energy industry and academia are moving fast forward.But do they move the same direction?The universities may have a wider approach to the subjects and may create new solutions.But newsolutions need the industry to be brought into life.The development of teaching programs and petroleum research are depending on industry input,as wellas the development of energy industry is depending on new work forces,with a new approach to the technicalchallenges.This paper will show experiences from how new technology development,designed by an oil companytogether with a service company,was implemented into a university program.It shows how the offspringmoved on to several companies and universities.We will as well present studies of how technology science is planning to meet the future need ofcompetence,and how energy industry is adapting to meet future technical challenges by sending signalsback to the next generation of engineers.The daily reminder of climate change,the green shift,and development of renewable energy have givenseveral oil companies reasons to redefine themselves as energy companies.This fact opens doors into new rooms where technology,competence and research will be focusingseveral energy sources.The best combination of technology and competence for multi-energy sources maybe developed in a good collaboration between academia and energy industry.Several universities in Norway have redefined their education program in order to cover multi-energysources.This paper shows how good experiences from industry-academia collaboration may be forwardedinto new projects with a win win win effect for academia,industry and society.
机译:能源产业和学术界都在向前发展。但它们移动了相同的方向吗?大学可能对该科目更广泛的方法,并可能创造新的解决方案。但是,新的解决方案需要行业。教学计划的发展需要行业。教学计划的发展和石油研究取决于行业投入,因为伍斯斯能源行业的发展取决于新的工作势力,具有技术核心的新方法。本文将显示新技术开发的经验,由一家提供服务公司被实施在大学计划中。展示了OffspringMoved Ovspringmoved关于几家公司和大学的研究。我们亦会研究技术科学如何计划满足未来必要的,以及能源行业如何适应未来的技术将信号发送到下一代工程师来挑战。每天提醒气候变化,绿色班次,和开发可再生能源的含量具有Givenseveral石油公司的原因,将自己重新定义为能源公司。本文进入了技术,能力和研究的新房间将成为聚焦能源的新房间。多能源的最佳技术和能力的最佳组合学术界与能源产业之间的良好合作。挪威大学重新定义了他们的教育计划,以涵盖多能源。这篇论文显示了工业学术界合作的良好经验可能是如何转发新项目,为学术界赢得胜利赢得胜利的新项目,工业和社会。



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