首页> 外文会议>IEEE Industrial Electronics and Applications Conference >A Novel Lightweight and Low Power Tag-Reader Mutual Authentication Protocol for Portable RFID based Security Systems

A Novel Lightweight and Low Power Tag-Reader Mutual Authentication Protocol for Portable RFID based Security Systems




In any wireless communication system, it is the need of the hour that the sender and the receiver should prove their genuineness. In any portable security systems based on RFIDs, a process called mutual authentication need to be performed before the confidential communication between a tag and reader starts. A novel lightweight low power mutual authentication protocol is proposed in this paper which is based on a multi-function circuit. The proposed protocol is a less complex circuit with low power dissipation compared to the earlier and existing mutual authentication protocols. It also provides a higher level of security. The proposed protocol is described using Verilog HDL. It is simulated using Altera Quartus II software. Also the functional block in the proposed mutual authentication scheme is implemented using Altera DE2 FPGA kit. The proposed protocol can be used to manufacture tags in a very cost effective way.
机译:在任何无线通信系统中,需要发件人和接收方应该证明自己的真实性的小时。在基于RFID的任何便携式安全系统中,在标签和读取器之间的机密通信开始之前需要执行称为相互认证的过程。本文提出了一种新颖的轻量级低功率相互认证协议,其基于多功能电路。所提出的协议是与前面和现有的相互认证协议相比的低功耗的复杂电路。它还提供了更高级别的安全性。使用Verilog HDL描述所提出的协议。它是使用Altera Quartus II软件进行模拟的。此外,所提出的相互认证方案中的功能块也使用Altera DE2 FPGA套件来实现。所提出的协议可用于以非常成本效益的方式制造标签。



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