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On the Security of Rotation Operation Based Ultra-Lightweight Authentication Protocols for RFID Systems




Passive Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) tags are generally highly constrained and cannot support conventional encryption systems to meet the required security. Hence, designers of security protocols may try to achieve the desired security only using limited ultra-lightweight operations. In this paper, we show that the security of such protocols is not provided by using rotation functions. In the following, for an example, we investigate the security of an RFID authentication protocol that has been recently developed using rotation function named ULRAS, which stands for an Ultra-Lightweight RFID Authentication Scheme and show its security weaknesses. More precisely, we show that the ULRAS protocol is vulnerable against de-synchronization attack. The given attack has the success probability of almost ‘1’, with the complexity of only one session of the protocol. In addition, we show that the given attack can be used as a traceability attack against the protocol if the parameters’ lengths are an integer power of 2, e.g., 128. Moreover, we propose a new authentication protocol named UEAP, which stands for an Ultra-lightweight Encryption based Authentication Protocol, and then informally and formally, using Scyther tool, prove that the UEAP protocol is secure against all known active and passive attacks.
机译:无源射频识别(RFID)标签通常受到严格限制,不能支持常规加密系统来满足所需的安全性。因此,安全协议的设计者可能仅尝试使用有限的超轻量级操作来实现所需的安全性。在本文中,我们表明使用旋转功能无法提供此类协议的安全性。在下面的示例中,我们研究了最近使用名为ULRAS的旋转功能开发的RFID身份验证协议的安全性,该功能代表超轻量级RFID身份验证方案,并显示了其安全性弱点。更确切地说,我们证明了ULRAS协议容易受到去同步攻击的攻击。给定的攻击成功概率几乎为“ 1”,并且协议只有一个会话的复杂性。此外,我们表明,如果参数的长度为2的整数次幂(例如128),则可以将给定的攻击用作对该协议的可追溯性攻击。此外,我们提出了一种新的身份验证协议UEAP,它表示基于超轻量级加密的身份验证协议,然后使用Scyther工具进行非正式和正式的验证,证明UEAP协议可抵御所有已知的主动和被动攻击。



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