首页> 外文会议>POLISH-RUSSIAN-SLOVAK Seminar on Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering >On modernization of capital construction projects in the context of sustainable development of social sphere

On modernization of capital construction projects in the context of sustainable development of social sphere




The paper presents the results of the research on identifying architectural methods for improving social facilities in the Russian Federation. There have been defined basic typological groups of institutions, which consumer qualities are improved according to the criteria of the sustainable development concept. Based on the analysis of the situation in the country, the authors focus on the key areas of capital construction that is infrastructure spatial optimization, ecologization and humanization of the living environment. Using the example of the Samara region the most vital problem-the extension of the project life cycle and improvement of their functional and spatial characteristics has been considered. Close attention is paid to mass-scale residential buildings and orphanage institutions. It has been concluded that in the new design and construction, as well as modernization of projects, there is need for mandatory instead of voluntary regulations of their environmental characteristics.
机译:本文介绍了识别俄罗斯联邦社会设施的建筑方法研究的结果。已经确定了基本基本的机构组,根据可持续发展概念的标准改善了消费者品质。基于对该国局势分析的基础,作者侧重于基础设施的关键领域,即基础设施空间优化,生态化和人性化的生活环境。使用萨马拉区域的示例是最重要的问题 - 已经考虑了项目生命周期的扩展和改善其功能和空间特征。密切关注大规模住宅建筑和孤儿院。已经得出结论,在新的设计和建设中,以及项目的现代化,需要强制而不是自愿的环境特征。



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