首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Art and Arts Education >Symbolical Meaning of Langen Puspitosari Dance in Building Students Character in Suryokencono Arts Association

Symbolical Meaning of Langen Puspitosari Dance in Building Students Character in Suryokencono Arts Association

机译:Langen Puspitosari舞蹈在苏利奥克省艺术协会建设学生特征的象征意义



The study aimed to find out and explain the symbolical meaning in Langen Puspitosari dance in building students character who are studying in Suryokencono Arts Association. The research used qualitative research and supported by semiotic analysis method. Data sources were informants, documents relating to Langen Puspitosari, and literature review. Data collection techniques used observation, in-depth interviews (semi-structured), and documentation. The findings showed that the symbolical meaning of Langen Puspitosari dance was found in motions, clothing or dress, make-up (cosmetology), dance accompaniment, and property. This meaning contains the character values and noble character and the character can be taught to students who are currently studying in Suryokencono Arts Association.
机译:该研究旨在了解并解释Langen Puspitosari舞蹈中的象征意义,在建立在苏里奥克省艺术协会学习的学生角色。研究采用了定性研究和符号分析方法的支持。数据来源是通告人,与Langen Puspitosari有关的文件,以及文献审查。数据收集技术使用观察,深入访谈(半结构化)和文档。结果表明,朗根豆荚舞蹈的象征意义被发现在动作,衣服或衣服,化妆(美容),舞蹈伴奏和财产中发现。此含义包含字符值和高尚的性格,并且可以向目前在Suryokencono艺术协会学习的学生授权。



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