首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Education Innovation and Social Science >Research on Evolution Model and Crisis Prevention and Control of New Media Public Opinion

Research on Evolution Model and Crisis Prevention and Control of New Media Public Opinion




This paper simulates the multi-layer defense mechanism of biological immune system and proposes a new media public opinion evolution model applicable to the evolution of public opinions of emergencies and crisis prevention and control, including acquisition layer, analysis layer, response layer, disposal layer and recovery layer. By integrating a variety of public opinion monitoring and analysis technologies, equipment and software development, and then designs a public opinion crisis prevention and control prototype system with adaptive evolutionary capabilities, which is multi-layer linkage combined with public opinion monitoring, public opinion detection, public opinion early warning, public opinion decision-making and public opinion situation recovery.
机译:本文模拟了生物免疫系统的多层防御机制,提出了一种新的媒体舆论演变模型,适用于紧急情况和危机预防和控制的公众意见的演变,包括采集层,分析层,响应层,处置层和 恢复层。 通过整合各种舆论监测和分析技术,设备和软件开发,然后设计具有自适应进化能力的舆论危机预防和控制原型系统,该系统是多层联系与公众舆论监测,公众舆论检测相结合, 舆论提前预警,舆论决策和公众舆论局面恢复。



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