首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Contemporary Education and Society Development >Current Situation and Reason Analysis of Marketing Courses Teaching Method Based on 'Internet +' Background

Current Situation and Reason Analysis of Marketing Courses Teaching Method Based on 'Internet +' Background




This paper investigates blended teaching methods of marketing major in colleges and universities under the background of widespread use of Internet technology. The findings indicates that undergraduate students majoring in Marketing are familiar with "Internet +" teaching methods, such as MOCC, Micro-lecture and SPOC, but their understanding is limited. Besides, marketing professional courses for undergraduate students seldom involve teaching methods related to "Internet +". However, many students believe that "Internet +" technology can significantly change the traditional physical class, making it more interactive and more efficient. There are three main factors that hinder the use of "Internet +" in marketing professional courses, namely schools, teachers and students. Therefore, the author proposes some suggestions related to the above three aspects.



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